
Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Immersion Assembly Term 4 2014

Our school topic this term is ‘Art Attack’. We are learning everything about Art. Our immersion assembly was a brilliant way to start the term off. I really enjoyed watching the Team 5 art work. They drew a brilliant realistic artwork of our principles.Dinosaurs

Thursday, 4 September 2014


We had the privilege to be with this wonderful, talented group of people called the Revolution. They came to encourage and promote anti bullying. #StopTheBull For this I and many others are grateful for your wisdom and concern. 

Monday, 4 August 2014

Henry - Thinkboard W3

Henry - CommonWealth Games

The Commonwealth Games often referred as the ‘friendly games’, are a sporting event held every four years. There are 53 members of countries of the commonwealth.

There are 21 sports and 272 commonwealth events this year.  The first Commonwealth Games were held in Hamilton Canada in 1930. In 1942 till 1946, The Commonwealth Games were cancelled due to the WW2. If a country wants to host the commonwealth games, they will need to bid to win over for their country to host it.

The athletes are chosen because they are the best of their country and will compete against other countries. My favourite sport in the commonwealth games is the weight lifting because I love how they're so tough and they lift those heavy things. My favourite athlete is Usain Bolt because hes the fastest man on earth. HenryN Signing Out !

Reading Activities : Week 2

What was Room 16’s teacher talking about with her class? What do you think some of the ideas were that are around
Ms Kneepkens was talking with her class about goals and ambitions. Probably a rugby player, dancer, singer or a successful business person.

Why did the class decide to write to Paul Whatuira, who is he? Find evidence from the text and do some of your own research.
Paul Whatuira is a professional rugby league footballer who currently plays for the Parramatta Eels in the NRL

Why do you think the students of room 16 were speechless when they saw Paul?
Because Paul is a famous rugby player and maybe he might be someones hero.

How would you have felt if you had seen a rugby player, who had specifically come to your school to see your class?
I would be SPEECHLESS. Mostly if it was Manu Vatuvei. I wouldn't be that emo and cry or faint.

What are some of the items that Paul had sent class 16? Why were these items so special?
A Warriors Jersey signed by Pauls team mates and gave everyone posters and hats and t-shirts. They were special because they were signed by not only Paul but his other team-mates.

How is Paul a hero?
Because he works hard to achieve his aims and hes always interested in how their school work is going.

Define what a hero is to you, do you have one?
A hero is like someone that inspires me to do something. A hero is someone I would wanna be when I grow up. Someone whos changed the world with  what God had gifted  them with. No, I don’t have a hero just YET.

Who are some heroes today? you need to do some of your own research and justify why these selected people are heroes.
Martin Luther King : Martin would risk his life for others. He only wanted peace between the coloured and the whites.
Nelson Mandela : Spent 27 years in jail for peace toward the coloured and the whites.

Why is the title of the text so important?
Because he is motivating the students to study hard and aim for their goals.

Do you agree with the title of the text? Why/why not?
Yes because its true. A hero is a role-model for the little ones.


Do you think it would be difficult to become a professional rugby player, for reason would it be/would it not be?
Yes, because you need to train a lot, eat healthy, drink a lot of water and always have a positive attitude when you get tackled or when you lose.

What do you think it takes to become a professional rugby player?
You got to train a lot, eat healthy, drink a lot of water and always have a positive attitude when you get tackled or when you lose.

This term we are studying the Commonwealth games, do they play rugby league at the games?
No,  just rugby sevens.

Are any other variations of rugby played the games?

What do you think an athlete's daily life consists of, you need to do your own research.
3:00 : Wake Up
3:15 : Brush Teeth
3:20 : Shower
3:40 : Get Changed
3:50 : Breakfast
4:00 : Exercise
5:00 : Drive to the gym
5:15 : Gym
12:00 : Drive back home
12 :15 : Morning Tea
12:30 : Work out
3:00 : T.V
4:00 : Dinner
5:00 : Sleep
3:00am : REPEAT

What do you think makes an athlete?
The training and their attitude.  Honest hearts produce honest actions.

In life when times get hard it is often easy to give up, everyone has bad days including the top athletes e.g. when they miss a try. How do you think they stay positive?
They say to themselves, “ Its alright, Its just one miss, you can do another one.”

Find five facts about Paul Whatuira:
Paul Whatuira tried to kill himself.
Paul used to play in the New Zealand Warriors in 2000
Paul is maori.
He plays for the Parramatta Eels
He used to go Wainuiomata Intermediate

Write a letter to an athlete of your choice just as the students of class 16 did to Paul Whatuira.
You letter needs to try persuade the selected athlete to come to Pt England School.

To David Tua,
David Tua, You are my hero. I watch all your matches but sadly you retired. I think you're a perfect role-model. You can motivate us to study hard and aim for our goals. I really like how we are Samoan. Who knows we might be distant cousins. Thanks for your time :-)
Sincerely, Your BIGGEST FAN - Junior Henry Neemia
Pt England School

World War 1: 100th Anniversary

Today marks the 100th years since the 1914 World War 1. “Lest We Forget” To all the men and women soldiers who fought in the war. May you rest in peace.

Monday, 28 July 2014

Thinkboard Week 2

Holiday Recount

I woke up miserably knowing today was the first day of the holidays, quickly I opened the curtains to get a glimpse of my miserable life and all that was visible was rain. I just sat there sobbing about how I hated the holidays.

I’d stood up, wipe my tears and wrap my blanket around me like a sleeping gown and head toward the sitting room hoping a good cartoon would come on to ease the pain that sank into my heart. I would watch T.V for hours. I sure got sick of watching infomercials now and then but it never bothered me. Eventually I would make my way to the kitchen. I would boil the hot water to make me a coffee then grab bread to make toast. If I was lucky enough I would find spaghetti and cheese. Just enough to make a spaghetti grilled cheese sandwich. If I wasn’t full then I would head to the back to the kitchen to make another coffee and snuck some biscuits on the top shelf then walk back to the front.

I would sit down and watch Kung Fu Panda and Transformers Prime. I actually liked watching Fireman Sam, Chuggington even Dinosaur Train. After then I would sing along with the wiggles. “Ready, Steady, WIGGLE!” I’d sing. Once wiggles finished I would watch TheEdgeTV. If I got extremely bored I would sneak into my parents room. I would grab the phone then walk past the sitting room and into the front room. I would play songs on the piano and sing.

If that didn’t work out and the weather cleared out. I’d put my shoes on and put on my jumper then head outside. Most times the weather would be miserable like my soul but it never stopped me from having fun outside. I would stay outside for hours, playing with the ball and climbing up trees. If I got so humongous bored I would come back inside and lye on the bed for hours, If I got bored I’d sleep. If I would change anything about my holiday experience I would change lying on my bed and sleeping for hours. I thought to myself 2 more weeks.

I really didn’t enjoy my holidays. Thank God, Its over!!

Monday, 30 June 2014

Swimming Recount

I carefully run out of the changing room conscious about not falling onto the slippery ground. I looked like a human like octopus frantically waving my arms about in the air trying to keep my balance. I quickly jumped into the shower. It was like pouring lava on my body, the water was roasting hot. I sprinted out of the shower before I became a roasted chicken for the dogs and carefully jogged my way back to the others. I rested myself alongside my fellow classmates on a wooden bench beside the pool and patiently waited for the instructor to arrive.

Eventually she makes her way to us. We get split into two groups, the confident swimmers (advanced level) and the unconfident swimmers (the easy level). I was in the advanced level group which was group 1. We followed behind her to the pools. We lined ourselves on the edge of the pool with our legs kicking the warm water.

“Okay, everyone into the pool”she instructed. We quickly dipped ourselves into the water then lined up. I was first in line. I grabbed a board then got ready for more instructions. “Lets start with freestyle, try not to touch the ground.” she screams. I dipped my face into the water with my legs kicking wildly. I turned my head sideways gasping for air. Water then begin filling my stomach as I accidentally drank the water. I still swim my hardest. When I reach to the end of the pools, I thought to myself this was going to be a hard 30-minutes.

As the day goes to an end. We walked back to school with thunderous rain slamming into our faces and clothes. I’ve got to say, this was the perfect way to end this fine day.

Henry - 6 Thinking Hats Event : Haircut issue goes to court

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Mult/Div Consolidation


1. George was driving to Lake Taupo from Auckland. Lake Taupo is 407 kms away from Auckland and he had to do the trip three times a week for work. Assuming there are 4 weeks in a month. How many kms did he drive in total in 1 month?

2. Janine had 17 jars of jelly beans each with with 364 jelly beans inside. How many jelly beans did she have in total?

3. The temperature on Mercury is 206 degrees celsius. However the sun is 14 x that temperature. How hot is the sun?

4. Jake had $675 to go shopping for his birthday. He shared his birthday money between himself and 2 of his friends, how much money did each of them get?

5. Mike had 275mls of milk in his carton. He drank this amount of milk 3 times a week. How much milk does Mike drink in one week? 275mls
What about two weeks? 550
A month? 1100
One year? 13200

6. Jane bought two new pairs of shoes every 3 months. How many pairs of shoes did she have after one year?

7. How many pairs did she have after 10 years?

9. The class table was 600cm. The table was shared between 12 students. How many cm of the table did each student have to use?

10. Michael knew that to qualify for the running championships he would need to beat 13.2 seconds to run 150 meters.
Michael ran everyday for one year. How many meters did he run in total? 158.4
What about only six months? 79.2

11. Jane knew that he parents would deposit $1.50 per day in to her bank account. How much money was in her account after 3 years? $54

What about 12 years? $216

Monday, 26 May 2014

Week 4 ; Term 2 : Think board - Henry

Echolocation : Explanation

Echolocation is a unique process of sound that is repeatedly used mainly by many animals to help to avoid/detect danger,obstacles or food/water. Animals such as bats, marine mammals, rodents even humans.

A bat is a perfect example of echolocation. When a bat travel through pitch-black caves, they use echolocation. Bats sends vibrating signals which can either bounce back to the bat or carries on until they reach an object then bounce back. If the vibrations bounce back fast that means there are objects ahead so they avoid it but if it doesn’t come back until it reaches a nearby object the bat goes ahead until they reach that objects. Bats also use echolocation to hunt insects or food. Bats use their ears as eyes. They send the same vibrating signals which bounces of an insect then back which tells the bat thats its a prey. Echolocation helps humans too. They use ultrasound to check if a baby in the mothers stomach and to detect animals in seas and rivers.

Try yelling in a cave can you hear your echo. The vibration of your vocal cord vibrated throughout the cave then back to your ears where the brain translates it back into sound. Many animals rely on their ears instead of their eyes.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Sound Explanation

Introduction : Sound is everywhere around us. Even when you're in a silent room you can still hear yourself breathing or your heart pumping. Body : Sound is vibration. If an object is hit, it begins to vibrate. These vibrations travel through sound waves. The closer the sound waves the higher the pitch, further away sound waves gives you a lower pitch. Also sound can travel four times faster in water than air. Just think about ripples in a pond. When you throw a pebble into the pond, it creates ripples. Just like sound, It vibrates then fades and it shows you an example of what these vibrations may look like. Why we hear sound is because these sound waves travel through your ears then into your brain where your brain translates it into words/sound. Did you know? In space there is no sound. The reason behind this is that vibrations need something to travel through. In earth the vibrations can travel through air or water. In space though, There is no mediums so the vibrations cannot travel and make sound. So without water or air there is no sound. Conclusion : A world without sound would be so tough. Sound boosts our chance of survival and communication. Sound can help animals hunt their food and help detect danger. Animals would become extinct fast and humans wouldn’t have meat to eat.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Alphabet Addition : Term 2 ; Week 2

Each number in the alphabet equals a number, here is your key.

You need to add the numbers in the words together to find your answer.

A = 1
B = 2
C = 3
D = 4
E = 5
F = 6
G = 7
H = 8
I = 9
J = 10
K = 11
L = 12
M = 13
N = 14
O = 15
P = 16
Q = 17
R = 18
S = 19
T = 20
U = 21
V = 22
W = 23
X = 24
Y = 25
Z = 26

Vibration - 22 + 9 + 2 + 18 + 1 + 20 + 1 +  15 + 14 = 102
Maths - 13 + 1 + 20 + 8 + 19= 61
Sound - 19 + 15 + 21 + 14 + 4= 73
Molecule - 13 + 15 + 12 + 5 + 3 + 21 + 12 + 5=86
Experiment - 5 + 24 + 16 + 5 + 18 + 9 + 13 + 5 + 14 + 20= 129
Pitch - 16 + 9 + 20 + 3 + 8= 56
Transferred - 20 + 18 + 1 + 14 + 19 + 6 + 5 + 18 + 18 + 5 + 4=128
Movement- 13 + 15 + 22 + 5 + 13 + 5 + 14 + 20= 107

You need to add each number in these words and find out what they equal in numbers.

102 + 61 + 73 + 86 + 129 + 56 + 128 + 107= 742

Reading : The Right Beat

The Right Beat by Ken Benn

Connected 3, 2005.

WALT: Read the text to extract greater meaning which we will display in our follow up activities.

Success Criteria: I can read the text to extract greater meaning which we will display in our follow up activities.

Answer the following questions in red:

Referring to the images and title of the story what do you think this text is about?
It looks like there doing maybe a play or a singing show but can’t actually get the right beat for the song.

Simon is the producer of Feilding, what would his job entail?
He puts the show together and he is like the boss he gets to tell other people what to do

Who is the fundraiser for?
The fundraiser is for people who has been affected by recent floods.

What will be done with the money generated from the fundraiser?
It will be donated to help maybe rebuild or build new buildings

What is Shona’s problem?
Shonas out of tune. In the text ; “ Simon likes the text , but it takes 65 seconds to sing it to Ben’s tune.”

Why is it important to sing in tune? (do your own research)
It is important to sing in tune because there doing a fundraiser and if its out of tune then they probably won’t raise anything or noone will listen.

What lasts for two beats?
A minim: Simon knows that each of the notes shown by an open circle with a stem ( the minim ) lasts for 2 beats.

What lasts four beats?
The semibreve : On the other hand, the big circle note without a stem, the semibreve lasts 4 beats.

What would happen if they double the tempo? What is the tempo? (do some of your own research?
The tempo is the rate or speed of motion or activity. If they doubled the tempo it will be quite fast and the song won’t be 65 seconds but 30 seconds and the dancers would have to do one movement per beat, so the dance would be totally frantic if he made the tempo faster.

Why is it important for the drummer to know about bounce?
so when the dancers come they don’t have to dance faster to catch up to Ben's beat.


Why is it important to understand the rhythm when taking part in music?
Without rhythm, humans would have no sense
of patterns, and music would simply sound like nonintegrated noises of nonsense

Summarise what has happened in the story so far.
So a bunch of high school kids put together a fun show and raise a few money to rebuild/build new buildings for those who’s been affected by the recent floods but things became very complicated. Somehow their song isn’t sounding right maybe its too fast maybe the beats wrong or maybe their out of tune. Something horribly went wrong that caused an inconvenience to the producer and the dancers. What would they do ? Will the fun show go on ? Will they sound bad and look bad on stage ?

Describe and analyse the image and labels on page 27. What does each title referring to the musical bars refer to?
Semibreve : The longest note in a 4/4 bar is a semi breve. It lasts for the whole beat.
A minim : A minim lasts half as long as a semibreve, so you can fit two of them in a bar.

Kiwa has been listening to the argument with amusement, what does amusement mean?
Amusement means the state of experience of finding something funny.

Put amusement into a sentence of your own..
I went to an amusement park in the holidays.

What is Kiwas idea that will solve the issue?
In the text; At the moment, we’ve got 16.5 bars of music to play in four beats in each. SO that means we’re playing 4x16.5 = 66 beats, and at 3 beats a second , that gives us 66 divided by 2 = 33 seconds.

The ratio of crochets to minims to semibreves is 4:2:1. What does this mean?
It is timing, The crochets takes the  longest and the minims takes the second longest and the semibreves takes the shortest.

Define the word ratio? (You may research this)
The quantitative relation between two amounts showing the number of times one value contains or is contained within the other.

Put ratio into a sentence.
During the Vietnam war, it took like 500,000 rounds to kill or injure just 10 Vietcong: a total hit ratio of 50,000:1.


What is a hasty decision? Simon says “let’s not make any hasty decisions, what does he mean by this?
Not to make a bad decision that could embarrass themselves

Why would knowledge of maths be important as a musician? Refer to the text on page 31.
They to multiply, add and divide the ratios and the beats of the song.

How was Feilding Idol a great success in the end?
The dancers do their thing with flair, and Shona is pleased to hear that all her lyrics will be used in the news clip.