
Thursday, 28 November 2013

The Double Life

This picture is very realistic. I love shadow and I love the colour. The sunset is very unique and looks like the bubble could have been the sun !!

Monday, 11 November 2013

My MihiMihi

Kia ora tatou
Greetings to us all

kua tae mai nei
who has arrived here

ki tenei huihuinga
to this gathering

ki te whakapakari I to reo Maori
to develop your maori language

I te aroha
the love

Ka nui te rekareka
Great is the elation

Mo to koutou kaingakau
for your interest commitment

ki te aro mai
in attending

ki te awhina
to support/help

i te reo maori
the maori language

i pa ana ki tenei whanau

tenei whanau

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Fire Cheetah Chapter 1

Soul Spirit :
Once upon a time there was a boy called Jake. Jake always wanted a soul animal. He always used to watch other people summoning their animal and competing.

It was his birthday and it was the time when he could summon his soul animal. Jake tried and tried to summon his animal then the professor came and asked him if he needed help. The professor said to him,  “Your soul animal is part of you and it will come any time you want. Just focus on the animal even though you don’t even know what it looks like.”  Jake then closed his eyes and focus very close on the animal. Then he opened his eyes and looked into his hand it was the animal mark.

He put his hand outwards then a red light glew from his mark. Then the red light turned into a red trail of light flicked through the room and then it changed Jake. This went on for seconds then he came down. He has changed he had red pupils, red and black clothes and his hair was black as if it was pitched dark in a room. And right next to his was the rarest soul animal ever in soul , The Fire Cheetah. The Fire Cheetah has super speed, super strength, night vision, super hearing, mind reading, time travel, teleportation and able to control the element fire and air.

The professor also said before he left, “You are also the animal so if you wanna transform into him just think about it and then since its a cheetah run then run like a cheetah and it will work. Always remember not to let it starve so feed it fire all the time. You got the same powers as your spirit animal. Cherish it as it will cherish you.

The End... To be continued